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WBAA was licensed on April 4, 1922 as an AM station. Please take some time to browse through our long history. If you have additional details about our history, please email WBAA AM & FM.Special thanks to Dave Samuelson and Aaron Fiddler who have assisted with the content of these pages.New audio content was posted on November 30, 2012.

Broadcasting in the 1923-1924 School Year

The Purdue Exponent - Sunday, February 17, 1924

Purdue Union Will Broadcast Weekly Musical Programs

Beginning About May 1, Campus Musical Organizations Will Be Invited to Furnish Programs.

To Use Station WBAA.

Room of New Union Building to Be Set Aside Permanently for Use as Broadcasting Station.

Unless present plans miscarry, the Purdue Union will begin broadcasting weekly musical programs on about May 1, through the Purdue broadcasting station, WBAA. This announcement is made as the result of an investigation which has been going on for several weeks, and which has proved that such a plan is entirely possible through the cooperation of the Purdue radio station, under the direction of Professor R. V. Achatz, and the Memorial Union.

The original plan was to begin broadcasting as soon as possible after the idea was conceived, but it was found that no room was immediately available for use as a studio, accordingly, a room will be provided in the new Union building. Some new equipment is now under construction which, when added to the broadcasting equipment of the station, will better enable it to handle musical programs. It is expected that this will be completed and installed by May 1. The room in the Union building will also be available at that time. It will be permanent and will be large enough to accomodate the Concert Band.

To Broadcast Each Week.

The plan is to broadcast each week. All the campus musical organizations and also individual artists, will be invited to take part in the programs. It is expected that the new plan will be valuable as an advertising medium for the University, as well as providing enjoyment for thousands of radio fans throughout the United States.



The Purdue Exponent - Saturday, March 29, 1924

Radio Enthusiasts Will Meet Monday

Plan to Form County Organization--Demonstrations of Interference to Be Given

Many radio fans from Lafayette and vicinity are expected to gather at a meeting to be held in the lecture room of the Physics building next Monday night, at which time a complete organization will be formulated, and a constitution adopted.

Aim Is Better Cooperation.

The chief aim of the organization, probably to be known as the Tippecanoe County Radio Club, will be to get the broadcast listeners to be more cooperative, thus enabling them to discuss together their common problems, and to be able to do something toward eliminating the various kinds of interference which now are so bothersome to the owners of radio sets.

To Give Demonstration.

At the meeting next Monday evening, which is scheduled to begin at 7:30, Prof. R. B. Abbott and Dr. W. F. Matthews will conduct a demonstration to show the effects of improper tuning of radio sets, and not a demonstration of the transmission of heartbeats as was previously stated. A large eight tube super hetrodyne set, the very latest word in receiving apparatus for the home, will be set up in the lecture room using a loop aerial and one of the large broadcasting stations tuned in. Professor Abbott will then take a small single tube regenerative receiver and by causing the tube to oscillate completely ruin the reception of the larger set, thus demonstrating the interference which neighbors can cause each other if they do not operate their sets in the proper manner. Demonstrations will also probably be made showing the manner by which a large amount of the atmospheric disturbance, or static, can be eliminated from radio reception.

As a special feature of the program, Prof. R. V. Achatz, of the electrical engineering department, will conduct a question and answer meeting, answering any radio questions which the fans may ask.