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Indiana Teachers Can Get COVID-19 Vaccine At Kroger, Meijer, Walmart

(Courtesy of IU Health)

Hoosier K-12 teachers and child care workers can now get the COVID-19 vaccine through a federal program, outside of the state’s plan.

A recent Biden administration announcement means that educators can get vaccinated through federal pharmacy program sites – in Indiana, that’s Kroger, Meijer and Walmart.

Gov. Eric Holcomb said teachers who aren’t otherwise eligible for the vaccine in Indiana (which, as of Wednesday, means anyone younger than 50) must schedule their appointments directly with those three stores.

“They’re scheduling with those three different entities, directly with those three entities and sites – not 211 and not our website,” Holcomb said.

READ MORE: Can I Vote By Mail? Here's What You Need To Know For Indiana's Elections

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State officials did note that Hoosiers can locate all vaccination sites – including Kroger, Meijer and Walmart – on a map on the state’s website,

To register on Meijer’s website,, you’ll fill out a brief questionnaire and then provide your zip code to select a store pharmacy providing vaccines. 

On Kroger’s website,, you’ll provide a zip code to see your nearest stores. If the COVID-19 vaccine is available at that store’s pharmacy, it should be at the top of the list. But there isn’t a way to filter out stores that don’t have COVID-19 vaccines.

CLARIFICATION: A previous version of this story said Hoosiers teachers can get vaccines through a federal program. For the purpose of clarity, it has been changed to K-12 teachers and child care workers.

Contact reporter Brandon at or follow him on Twitter at @brandonjsmith5.