Indiana legislators finalized a contentious bill Wednesday night that changes the composition of the State Board of Education.
Senate Bill 1 allows state Superintendent Glenda Ritz to keep her position as chair of the state board until the end of her current term in January 2017. After that, the board will elect a chair annually from among its ranks.
Board membership will remain at its current number of 11 members, including the superintendent. The governor will retain eight nominations, with the House Speaker and Senate Majority party leader each adding one of their own.
The measure also provides for the board to elect a vice chair. Rep. Jud McMillin, one of the bill's House conferees, says no matter who occupies those roles, they will have to work out their issues.
"What this is simply asking is for two people who serve on the same board – who purportedly have the same goal in mind – to be able to talk well enough to figure out what items should be on the agenda for the next meeting," says McMillin. "If they can't agree on that, then we better come back here and do more.
Legislators will also designate the board as a “state education authority” – a title that allows them access to information they’ve complained the DOE doesn’t share. In addition, the board will gain authority to help shape the statewide ISTEP+ test – a power previously reserved for the DOE.