Republican leaders announced Monday they will introduce legislative language to clarify that Indiana’s religious freedom bill will not allow discrimination against anyone. But Democratic leaders Tim Lanane (D-Anderson) and Scott Pelath (D-Michigan City) say full repeal of the law must be the first step…with the second being legislation to specifically protect LGBT Hoosiers through the state’s anti-discrimination law. But Speaker Brian Bosma (R-Indianapolis) says with only four weeks left in the session, now isn’t the time for that debate:
“I think that’s an uphill battle to get that very controversial issue – which has only been successful in a minority of states – to get that resolved here in short order,” Bosma says.
But Lanane says Republicans need to make time:
“Many, many other states have already adopted it into their state civil rights act, so we can look to them for guidance on this thing. There’s certainly a way to solve this,” Lanane says.
Local ordinances in 12 Indiana cities protect gays and lesbians from discrimination, but some fear those could be at risk under the new law.