Emily Cureton
Mass protests have brought attention to racism in systems, actions and beliefs. But as 15-year-old Lily Gallentine discovered, hate can also take shape in objects.
The federal government is acknowledging that it defrauded two Oregon tribes. 155 years ago, the U.S. betrayed an agreement that protected the rights of tribal members in the Northwest.
There are about three dozen wildfires burning in every region of the state. Mass evacuation orders have displaced tens of thousands of people. Evacuees must find shelter during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Online fights over racial justice have spilled onto the courthouse lawn in Prineville, Ore. Black Lives Matter protesters there stand off regularly with counterdemonstrators waving Trump flags.
Some residents are so frustrated with Democratic politics that they are trying to change the map so that most of Oregon and a chunk of Northern California would break off and join red-state Idaho.
Groundwater in southeastern Oregon is drying up. Farming, which uses a lot of that water, could decimate the region unless communities make drastic changes soon.
Geoff Babb — a stroke survivor — found that most wheelchairs couldn't take him where he wanted to go. So, he invented a new way to hike with friends and family: an all-terrain wheelchair.
The Warm Springs Indian Reservation in Oregon has been without safe drinking water since late May, and some people don't have any running water at all.
Many wildfire fighting crews are Spanish speaking. That's why, a decade ago, the government created training materials in Spanish for native speakers — but those manuals are no longer available.