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Debate commission solicits questions from Hoosiers for Indiana's U.S. Senate debate

A portion of the dome of the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. In the center of the image, in the foreground, is the American flag flying on a flagpole, unfurled by the wind.
FILE PHOTO: Justin Hicks
IPB News
Questions for the Indiana Debate Commission's U.S. Senate debate will come almost entirely from Hoosiers.

The Indiana Debate Commission is calling on Hoosiers to send in questions for the state’s U.S. Senate candidates.

The questions can be used in next month’s Senate debate.

U.S. Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.), Democratic candidate Mayor Tom McDermott and Libertarian James Sceniak will meet in a debate on Oct. 16, sponsored by the Indiana Debate Commission.

While it will be moderated by University of Indianapolis political scientist Laura Wilson, the questions will almost entirely come from voters, as is typical of a Debate Commission event.

Join the conversation and sign up for the Indiana Two-Way. Text "Indiana" to 73224. Your comments and questions in response to our weekly text help us find the answers you need leading up to Election Day.

Hoosiers have until Sept. 30 to submit their questions online, at

Some local TV stations across the state will broadcast the debate live. And anyone can watch online, via a livestream on the commission’s website and YouTube channel.

Contact reporter Brandon at or follow him on Twitter at @brandonjsmith5.

Brandon Smith has covered the Statehouse for Indiana Public Broadcasting for more than a decade, spanning three governors and a dozen legislative sessions. He's also the host of Indiana Week in Review, a weekly political and policy discussion program seen and heard across the state. He previously worked at KBIA in Columbia, Missouri and WSPY in Plano, Illinois. His first job in radio was in another state capitol - Jefferson City, Missouri - as a reporter for three stations around the Show-Me State.