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A voter-approved increase to local property taxes is one of the only ways a district can increase general funds and ensure its stability for eight years.
Edmond Dantès / Pexels
Three Indiana school districts are asking voters to approve or renew a local property tax referendum on the November ballot to increase or maintain funding for teacher pay and student academics.
FILE PHOTO: Justin Hicks
IPB News
Indiana’s economic development strategy seems likely to shift next year, regardless of who wins the race for governor.
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  • It’s the summer of 1976 in Wabash, Indiana - Nick Schenkel has a review of an Indiana farm memoir “Pig Boy’s Wicked Bird: A Memoir” by Doug Crandell.
  • Author Craig Martin takes us on a romp through 1800's Lafayette in the book "Percy Hare and the Girl in the Game - An early legend of the Lafayette town." Nick Schenkel has the review.