A nearly year-old effort to help those with a housing emergency in Greater Lafayette is proving to be successful. It’s the Furniture Bank run by First United Methodist Church, Lafayette’s Weed and Seed program, and about a dozen other agencies.
Organizers say they’ve provided more than 500 pieces of furniture to families and individuals since May, 2012.
Jeanne Norberg with First Methodist says that shows how generous the community is.
“We’ve had five families a week that have needed furniture,” she says. “Stop and think about that – five families that need beds and dressers and couches and tables and chairs. Although we’ve had a lot of contributions, our warehouse is running very low right now.”
Sandi Burchett is one of those who received help from the Furniture Bank when she left an abusive relationship. She says she and her children needed to find a new place to live and had few possessions with them.
“When you as a parent have to admit you honestly can’t take care of your children, it is the darkest day you will ever see,” Burchett says. “I couldn’t have done it without you (service agencies).”
A furniture drive is scheduled for 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, April 13, to restock the bank’s warehouse. More information is available by calling (765) 491-1460 or by emailing furniture@fumcwl.org. Additional information about the Furniture Bank is HERE.