Purdue University officials now say they’ll decide by March 30 whether in-person classes will resume for the spring semester.
Earlier this week, the school said it would move all instruction online after spring break, but did not indicate when the arrangement would end. In a letter sent Thursday, provost Jay Akridge said if the school decided to continue with online learning, that policy would remain in place for the rest of the semester. If classroom instruction resumes, it would do so on Monday, April 6.
The statement also reiterated that campus residence halls and food service would remain open to students throughout the semester.
Akridge also announced Purdue faculty, staff, and students traveling back from countries the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has placed in the level 3 risk category would be required to self-quarantine for 14 days before returning to campus. Akridge said this comes after the CDC moved much of Europe into that grouping, and after President Trump’s decision to halt the entry of the majority of foreign nationals from those countries if they had been there in the previous 14 days.