Fewer high school graduates in Indiana are enrolling in college according to a recent report from the Indiana Commission for Higher Education.The…
According to the Indiana Commission for Higher Education's 2020 College Equity Report, college-going rates are down overall with persisting gaps among…
The state has extended the filing deadline for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA. The change comes as the state reports a drop in the…
After fewer than six minutes of public discussion Thursday afternoon, the Indiana Commission for Higher Education approved Purdue University’s plan to…
A report out this week finds improvement for the number of Indiana high school graduates ready for college. However, the state Commission for Higher…
Illinois public colleges are strapped for cash, and that could impact higher education in Indiana.More than halfway into the fiscal year, Illinois…
PROPERTY TAXES FOR FARMERSThe House and Senate Thursday passed a bill that addresses what supporters call rapidly increasing tax bills for farmers. The…
The budget which senators will vote on this week singles out two Indiana colleges for an in-depth review.Senate Appropriations Chairman Luke Kenley‘s…
Think about what it might mean to “get ready.”When you prepare to leave the house in the morning, you might take a shower or pour yourself a cup of…
A reminder to parents and college students, if you haven‘t filed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, the deadline is tomorrow.Indiana…