Senate lawmakers and House Democrats pushed back Monday against those advocating for the House Republican road funding proposal and its two tax increases.…
The road funding plans moving through the House and Senate would mark a first: they'd reduce the amount of money the state considers an adequate…
Legislators' quest for money for road maintenance may be the death knell for Indiana's automatic tax rebate.Governor Mitch Daniels pushed through the law…
One potential candidate for governor needs to get through this year's elections first.Thomas McDermott, Jr. hasn't been mentioned much in gubernatorial…
With only three days left in session, lawmakers are crafting a final version of the budget, and doing so with less money than they’d planned. Senate…
Senate President Pro Tem David Long says the Senate’s version of the budget will follow the House’s lead in steering more money to schools.House…
As the 2015 Indiana legislative session approaches, education leaders around the state are readying their pitches for a group of lawmakers charged with…
Despite tax revenues that struggled for much of the fiscal year, Indiana closes its book with a surplus of more than $100 million and reserves topping $2…
Indiana will close the books today on the fiscal year that ended June 30. State Auditor Suzanne Crouch updates Hoosiers on how the state’s revenues…
Governor Mike Pence says he decided it was more important to pay down state debt this year than put money into the state’s pension stabilization fund.…