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WBAA was licensed on April 4, 1922 as an AM station. Please take some time to browse through our long history. If you have additional details about our history, please email WBAA AM & FM.Special thanks to Dave Samuelson and Aaron Fiddler who have assisted with the content of these pages.New audio content was posted on November 30, 2012.

Broadcasting in the 1924-1925 School Year

The Purdue Exponent - Thursday, November 13, 1924

Agricultural Talks to Be Broadcasted

Members of Agriculture and Extension Departments Will Speak

Arrangements have been made to broadcast a series of talks on agricultural topics at the University radio station WBAA every Friday evening at 7:15 o'clock. Most of the talks will be given by members of the agriculture extension departments.

The first of these to be broadcasted tomorrow evening has for its subject, "How to Make More Profits From Dairy Herds". The speaker will be Mr. G. A. Williams of the extension department. The following week Miss Aneta Beade of the same department will be heard in a talk on "The Thanksgiving Dinner".

Of Interest to Farmers.

Among the topics of especial interest to the farmers of the state are "Winter Bird Protection Means Fewer Weeds", by Mr. A. A. Hanson, November 23, and a discussion by Prof. O. G. Lloyd of the farm management department on, "Why Farmers Should Be Organized", December 5. Mr. C. M. Vestal of the agricultural experiment station is on the program for a talk December 12 on "Winter Feeding of Hogs". On December 19, Mr. E. L. Austin will give a report on the results of the Boys' and Girls' Club work for 1924.


The Purdue Exponent - Wednesday, November 19, 1924

WBAA to Radiocast Dedication Program

Purdue's broadcasting station will broadcast the dedication program and the Purdue-Indiana game in the new Ross-Ade stadium next Saturday afternoon. The station name is WBAA and the wave length is 285 meters. The dedication program is scheduled to start at 1:15 o'clock, while the game will begin at 2 o'clock. The dedication program will include flag raising exercises and short talks by Presidents E. C. Elliott of Purdue, and William L. Bryan of Indiana, and George Ade and David Ross, whose generosity made possible Purdue's new athletic plant. A military salute and concerts by the Purdue and Indiana bands are on the program.


The Purdue Exponent - Saturday, December 13, 1924

County Radio Fans Will Hold Meeting

Meet December 18 to Discuss Problem of Elimination of Radiation

Radio fans of Tippecanoe county are asked to be present at a special meeting of the Tippecanoe County Radio Club which has been called for Thursday evening, December 18, by Burr S. Sweezey, president of the club. The meeting will be held at eight o'clock in the lecture room of the Physics building.

Educate Listeners.

Discussion will be chiefly on the question of interference made by radiating receiving sets. The international radio test held November 24 to November 30 demonstrated the fact that the whistles and howls which are spoiling good reception are produced by these "radiating receiving sets" and are entirely preventable. The educational committee of the club suggests that each radio listener take observations on the times at which whistling and fading occur and bring them to the meeting for informal discussion. It is also suggested that listeners study methods of tuning which will eliminate these objectionable whistles. Various other problems relative to radio operation will be discussed.


The Purdue Exponent - Thursday, February 19, 1925


Keep Up With Radio.

Expansion in the field of radio broadcasting equipment appears to be the aim of several Western Conference institutions. Purdue at one time the possessor of one of the most modern radio stations, will soon be finding itself in a mediocre class unless improvements are made. It cannot be denied that the radio is an invaluable article for the transporting of sound to an extremely large audience. The Purdue station has observed a regular schedule in broadcasting talks by members of the faculty. The weekly program could be enlarged to include a greater variety of numbers. A regular number of selections by the band would be certain to prove a popular drawing card. The Glee Club is capable of attracting a large number of radio fans to the loudspeaker.

But increased finances will be necessary before the Purdue radio station can go into operation upon any large scale. The day of radio is here, however, and it should not be long before technical institutions will be offering special courses dealing with this modern form of sound transportation. We are hoping to see the day when an adequate broadcasting station is installed in the Union building and regular programs can be received from PMU.


The Purdue Exponent - Wednesday, March 11, 1925


Purdue's Radio Station

According to reports Indiana University is contemplating the installation of a large radio broadcasting station. Michigan hopes to be able to boast of a high powered outfit within a short time. Purdue is sadly in need of a better station, but according to present indications it will be forced to drift along with the out-of-date apparatus with which she now operates.

It is impossible to over-estimate the possibilities of value which suitable broadcasting facilities can give to an institution both of educational and advertising considerations. It cannot longer be doubted that radio will occupy an important place in the world in the future, and that another phase of engineering may be added to the ones now existing. The teaching of radio engineering, however, requires the possession of suitable apparatus. The installation of an adequate station at Purdue would provide the facilities for that instruction which must ultimately be given. Then there are the various talks broadcasted to a limited audience weekly from this station. The farmer has now classed the radio with the flivver as an article which he desires both for pleasure and for profit and many of them take the opportunity of listening in on the various lectures concerning their vocation which are sent out at regular intervals.

The advertising feature is also too important to be overlooked. The number of radio receiving sets now in operation in this country is startling, and each set means one or more people who can easily be reached with whatever material the broadcasters desire to send over the ether. Entertaining programs could easily be broadcasted from the University to a mammoth audience provided that suitable apparatus were available, and they would be a wonderful medium for spreading the name of Purdue. Ohio State reports the receiving of numerous communications from individuals who have heard the programs which they broadcast each week. Contact is established in this manner with many alumni who have drifted entirely away from their alma mater simply because there is little or nothing to form a bond between the two.

It is possible to discuss at great lengths the good features incorporated in the possession and operation of an up-to-date, long-range broadcasting station. The main issue to be considered is that Purdue needs such a station, and sooner or later must have one.


The Purdue Exponent - Wednesday, March 25, 1925

WBAA Broadcasting is Success

Complimentary reports are being received by the University radio station on the program broadcast last Saturday evening. The majority of these reports are being received from the eastern states, particularly New York, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. The program was given and announced by co-eds of the University.

Saturday night's program will consist of a number of selections by the Gold and Black Collegians and vocal solos. The program will start at 12:20 a.m. and last one hour.


The Purdue Exponent - Thursday, April 2, 1925

To Broadcast Talk on Canadian Thistle

Indiana farmers troubled with Canadian thistle may hear a complete discussion of successful methods of eradication by tuning in on WBAA, the Purdue University broadcasting station on Friday night, April 3, at 7:15 o'clock. The various phases of the problem, including an interpretation of the Canada thistle law will be the subject of a radio talk by Albert A. Hanson, of the Purdue University agricultural extension staff.

It is suggested by Purdue that farmers equipped with loud speaker outfits can take advantage of this opportunity to invite their thistle-pestered neighbors to listen in and then discuss the point brought out by the Purdue specialist.


The Purdue Exponent - Wednesday, April 8, 1925

Purdue Station to Broadcast "Irene" Selections Tonight

Box Office Sale of Tickets for Show Will Be Started Next Monday.

Costumes Here.

Work on Scenery and Stage Settings Rapidly Nearing Completion.

Several selections taken from "Irene", this year's play of the Harlequin Club, which is to be presented at the Mars theatre on April 16, 17 and 18, will be broadcast from the Purdue radio station this evening between 4 and 6 o'clock. Among the numbers which will be presented at this time will be "Irene", Alice Blue Gown", and "Hobbies", which received much favorable comment from the radio audience as a result of the program broadcast last Saturday evening.

Ticket Sale Strong.

Box office sale of tickets for the presentation will be opened next Monday at the Mars theatre after which time those having failed to obtain tickets for any of the three night's performances may do so by applying at the Mars ticket office. Fraternity block seats for the "University night" performance on Saturday evening, April 18, are rapidly being received by the box offices, and fraternities who intend to order their tickets in this manner must send in their applications before Friday night. Checks covering the entire cost of the tickets must be sent in with the application. The mail order sale, which opened last Saturday, indicates that a great many are taking advantage of obtaining their tickets through this means.

Costumes for the production have nearly all been received up to the present date, and the remainder are expected here before the end of the week. The costumes this year will be very elaborate and attractive, and will constitute one of the main features of the show.

Work upon the scenery to be used throughout the performances is progressing rapidly and is expected to be completed soon. In order to give the best possible setting for the different acts, the scenery and stage decorations are being modeled as closely as possible after the stage setting in the original enactment of the presentation.


The Purdue Exponent - Sunday, May 24, 1925

WBAA Radio Program Gets Good Reception

Letter Received From Pennsylvania--Will Give Program Tomorrow

Forty-nine telephone calls, nine of them over long distance lines, came to the Purdue radio station, WBAA, during the program which was broadcasted Friday night. A program with a number of musical numbers by student musical talent, and a talk by L. P. Doyle, of the veterinary staff, on "Poultry Diseases", constituted the program. Long distance calls came from Frankfort, Buck Creek, West Middleton, Delphi, Romany, Russiaville and Fowler. On a program put out a week ago letters came from as far a Pennsylvania, and from a ship's officer who said he heard "Hail Purdue" 600 miles at sea off the coast of Florida.

Some of the students who took part in Friday night's program included Dixie Davis and his orchestra, Bobby Hines at the piano, and E. L. Kelly on the French harp.

Another musical program is being arranged for tomorrow night starting at 7:15 o'clock.


The Purdue Exponent - Saturday, June 6, 1925

WBAA Plans Musical Program--On Tonight

Largest and Most Varied Program of Year for Evening's Entertainment

The largest and most varied program of entertainment ever given from the Purdue University broadcasting station WBAA, will be presented Saturday night, June 6, beginning at 8 o'clock central standard time and closing at 1:30 o'clock Sunday morning. The event will be the farewell entertainment for this school year program of the station and will easily surpass any previous attempts of the University broadcasters. W. John Gunckel, 1627 Pleasant street, Indianapolis, and G. W. Earnhart of West Lafayette, senior operators, who on Tuesday will receive their diplomas from the school of electrical engineering, will be in charge of the affair, which will bring to a close their handling of the station after one of the most successful years ever experienced by the station. These two men have been in charge of broadcasting since last September. The station will continue in operation daily during the summer and market reports, weather reports and agrigrams of the U. S. department of agriculture will be given at 9:50 o'clock.

Open With Readings.

Mary Ruth Gunckel, of Indianapolis, will open Saturday night's program with several readings. H. R. Painter, West Lafayette, will follow with accordian selections. Howard Creviston of Marion, will then present old time melodies on a french harp. At 9:00 o'clock J. Emmett Hall, president of the Purdue Alumni Association, will make a short talk on the Purdue Gala Week program which opens this morning. Immediately afterwards, and until 10 o'clock a specialty program will be given by the seniors of the school of electrical engineering, N. L. Varner, of Evansville, will give cornet solos from 10 until 10:30, and he will be followed by R. W. Lindley, West Lafayette, with xylophone selections.

Local Talent.

"Bobby" Hines, of Muncie, one of the University's leading pianists will be on the program from 11 until 11:30, and the Purdue Glee Club quartet and trio will render an hour's program between 11:30 and 12:30. From 12:30 until 1:30 Dixie Davis' orchestra, one of the leading dance organizations on the campus, will present dance music.