There’s another new push by Indiana lawmakers to lift Indiana's ban on Sunday carryout alcohol sales.
Legislators are expected to discuss the idea next week.
The bill represents a new attempt by House Public Policy Chairman Tom Dermody (R-LaPorte) to end the state's status as having the country's last statewide "blue law" prohibiting Sunday alcohol sales.
“While some of the restrictions that we had last year have not been included in this year’s bill, we learned a lot last year,” Dermody says. “Some of those restrictions I think are great points to debate in the future, but I didn’t want to lose the fact that Hoosiers across the state would like to hear about Sunday sales.”
The new proposal would require grocery stores and pharmacies to keep alcohol in a separate area or limit alcohol displays to a single store section that's not adjacent to areas with items such as toys, candy or school supplies.
Retail stores opposed Dermody's bill last year that would've required beer and wine be kept in designated areas and liquor behind a counter.
Indiana Association of Beverage Retailers spokesman Patrick Tamm opposes this year’s bill.
“Unfortunately, it’s a complete 180 from what Chairman Dermody pushed forward last year,” Tamm says. “We believe alcohol and the public policy conversation, where alcohol is sold and how it’s sold, is an important one to have but we believe it’s also important to be sold in a regulated manner.”