Governor Mike Pence’s fiscal leadership team is getting a shake-up as longtime advisor Chris Atkins leaves the administration for the private sector.…
It‘s the Senate‘s turn next week to take up an ethics reform bill. Senate leaders tweaked some wording in the ethics bill before sending it to the…
A House committee Tuesday unanimously approved a bill creating what Speaker Brian Bosma calls the first major ethics code revision in at least 20 years.…
Ethics experts and former lawmakers say ethics reform must be rooted in a creating a culture of values in government. Controversies over the past year…
The ranks of leadership among Republicans at the Indiana Statehouse changed dramatically Friday. Indiana State Treasurer Richard Mourdock announced his…
The Democrat running for state auditor is proposing what he calls “sweeping ethics reform.” Michael Claytor says under Governor Mike Pence, ethics has…
September 12, 2012Dear Inspector General Thomas: Please consider this letter an official ethics complaint and request for an investigation concerning the…
A state representative has filed a formal complaint with the inspector general over Mitch Daniels and his new role at Purdue.State Representative Charlie…