The Executive Committee of the Purdue Board of Trustees is accepting public comment on the proposed general fund budget. The hearing Wednesday includes comments on the proposed tuition freeze and student fees.
President Mitch Daniels says by holding tuition steady and decreasing the cost of a meal plan, some Boilermakers will pay less.
"I'm very excited about this. I don't know how many universities in the country will be able to say that students are attending in fall of '13 for less money than they attended in the spring '13, but we're one."
The general fund budget for the West Lafayette campus is a little more than $1 billion.
The hearing is Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. in Stewart Center Room 326.
Anyone who wants to speak is asked to contact the trustees’ office at (765) 494-9710 or via email:, so sufficient time can be scheduled for the hearing. Each speaker will be given three minutes for comments.