Fabi Calvo pays pretty close attention to what’s in her food. She’s careful when she’s at the grocery store, not just because she’s allergic to milk, but…
Indiana Senator Joe Donnelly is introducing policies that he says will deter American companies from outsourcing jobs to foreign countries. The…
Indiana Fourth District U.S. Representative Todd Rokita says the federal highway bill recently passed by Congress provides reliability in funding and…
Congresspeople liked the idea so much the first time he brought it up, they asked Mitch Daniels back to address it at length. Several months after…
Congress is back in session for the march toward adjournment for the year.The House and Senate's first week back will be consumed by debate over the…
Senator Joe Donnelly (D-IN) says he still has questions about Iran’s intentions in the nuclear agreement and cites a lack of action to cut off Iranian…
Three weeks after the Senate fought its way to approval of fast-track trade authority, the bill is in an even tougher battle in the House.The House could…
Indiana Senator Dan Coats predicts the Senate will approve fast-track trade authority this week for a Pacific Rim trade deal, but says getting there may…
In a press call Monday morning, congressional Democrats announced a resolution expressing the need for LGBT anti-discrimination protections. The…
Legislators from Indiana and more than 30 other states will gather in Washington later this month for the next step in a push for a constitutional…