Some questions in this week's conversation:
You’re on the record as saying it’s gotten harder in recent years to draw students to games. There are a lot of factors to which one might attribute that – what stands out most in your mind?
You mentioned on our last program that when the Big Ten Network money came rolling in a few years ago, you doubled down on improving facilities. What other amenities are you considering putting into sports facilities?
There are, of course, possible consequences of selling alcohol at the football games. What sorts of additional precautions is the university taking because of the change?
Can the athletic department also institute programming talking to students about the law, about the dangers of underage drinking, etc? Could it possibly involve high-profile athletes to help sell that message?
With all of the Ray Rice news this week, I wanted to ask you what Purdue does to combat the notion that football players, who play a violent sport, lead violent lives outside the game?
Is there any sensitivity training given to athletes to help them treat women better, understand that they’re under a microscope and deal with that scrutiny and help them represent the university in a stand-up way?