Governor Pence plans to roll out a legislative agenda for the upcoming session sometime next month.
Pence has already announced plans to seek a billion-dollar commitment for road and bridge maintenance, and he says he'll have economic proposals beyond that.
Pence notes he’s also announced plans to ask for a safety net for teachers and schools as ISTEP transitions to new state standards.
“I’m having conversations already with members of the General Assembly about how we make sure that the new test results don’t impact teacher pay or bonuses,” Pence says.
Pence says he'll keep his agenda narrowly focused -- it's an even-year session, with legislators only in town for about 10 weeks.
“It’s a short session,” Pence says. “so we’ll try and focus on those things that’ll continue to accelerate economic growth, education, progress and, of course, the infrastructure proposal that we laid out in the 21st Century Crossroads Plan.”