Of Tippecanoe County’s three school corporations, so far only Lafayette School Corporation officials plan to close for next week’s “Red For Ed” rally at…
The standardized test that will replace Indiana's ISTEP will take students significantly less time to complete, according to estimates from the Indiana…
The 2016 ISTEP+ scores show the number of students passing the test decreased for the second year in a row.Fifty-two percent of students passed both the…
A group of superintendents from around the state has written a letter this week criticizing the way the process of re-writing the state assessment has…
The ISTEP panel that is developing a legislative recommendation for how to replace the state’s testing system heard from a slew of national testing…
The Department of Education will release 2016 ISTEP data in the coming weeks before calculating A-F grades for schools.Schools and parents received…
State education officials want $4 million from CTB, the testing company they blame for problems with last year’s ISTEP test, arguing the company did not…
The panel creating the framework for a new state assessment is now considering a different timeline for the new test.The 2015 General Assembly created the…
2015 ISTEP scores were supposed to be posted online for parents to see Thursday, but an executive from the company scoring the test now says that will be…
The panel re-writing the state’s school standardized assessment met for the second time Tuesday.However, members are unsure of their vision for the…