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Faux-mencement Ceremonies Pop Up For College Seniors Forced Off Campus

Olin College graduates throw their caps in their air at a faux-Commencement ceremony. (Leise Jones)
Olin College graduates throw their caps in their air at a faux-Commencement ceremony. (Leise Jones)

As colleges around the country are forced to close down, college seniors are lamenting the lost opportunity to celebrate their years of hard work at commencement.

At a few colleges, the answer has been the ‘faux-memcement’aquickly cobbled together ceremony, where garbage bags take the place of gowns, but the emotions and the sentiment are real.

Here & Now‘s Robin Young talks to Anupama Krishnan, a senior at Olin College (@OlinCollege) in Massachusetts, and the college’s Dean of Faculty, Mark Somerville.

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