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Rokita: War Chest Allows Time To Think About Coats' Seat

Stan Jastrzebski

Though he’s not declaring his candidacy yet, Congressman Todd Rokita (R-4th) says he is considering a run for the Senate seat set to be vacated by Dan Coats (R-IN) next year.

Rokita says it was his time on the senator’s staff that helped him decide to become a politician.

“I was an intern in his office at one point in time. I was a very young man – an unpaid intern. And so in many ways, Dan Coats gave me the bug for public service,” Rokita says.

Rokita says the money he’s raised from statewide campaigns for Secretary of State and from three congressional races gives him time to make his decision whether to challenge former Coats Chief of Staff Eric Holcomb for the GOP nomination.

According to the Federal Election Commission, Rokita had more than a million dollars already in his campaign war chest at the end of 2014. That’s more than twice as much as Congressman Marlin Stutzman (R-3rd) and about $200,000 more than Rep. Susan Brooks (R-5th), both of whom have also been mentioned as possible GOP standard-bearers.

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