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Governor Expected To Weigh In On LGBT Debate During State Address

Gretchen Frazee

Governor Mike Pence has indicated he will likely weigh in on the upcoming debate over LGBT rights during his upcoming State of the State address.

The governor maintains he is listening to all sides of the debate, though he’s rebuffed questions about his stance on LGBT rights for months – essentially since the last legislative session.  With his yearly State of the State address approaching, Pence says Hoosiers will soon know his position.

“It’s one of the best opportunities I have as governor to speak directly to the people of Indiana on a broad range of issues," the Governor said Tuesday. "And we’ll likely take advantage of that next week.”

If the governor does weigh in soon, House Speaker Brian Bosma says that will have an effect on what lawmakers do.

“But the legislature and each of the House and Senate are independently-elected constitutional bodies and the governor is not the boss of them," Bosma says. "Everyone has their own opinions on these things and we’ll work, as we have in the past, through thorny issues trying to get to the right decision for all.”

The State of the State is scheduled for Tuesday, January 12th.

Brandon Smith is excited to be working for public radio in Indiana. He has previously worked in public radio as a reporter and anchor in mid-Missouri for KBIA Radio out of Columbia. Prior to that, he worked for WSPY Radio in Plano, Illinois as a show host, reporter, producer and anchor. His first job in radio was in another state capitol, in Jefferson City, Missouri, as a reporter for three radio stations around Missouri. Brandon graduated from the University of Missouri-Columbia with a Bachelor of Journalism in 2010, with minors in political science and history. He was born and raised in Chicago.
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